Top 5 Tips for Sales Hub Onboarding

Sales Hub Onboarding

Sales Hub is a sales software solution from HubSpot that is designed to drive sales success through inputs such as enhancing customer relationships, empowering data-driven decisions, streamlining workflows, and more. After acquiring this software solution for your business, the next step (onboarding) can be a major challenge if you aren’t well prepared.

This article will equip you with the information you need to make your Sales Hub onboarding process swifter and smoother. So, consider the following tips when starting off your journey on HubSpot’s Sales Hub:

1. Learn more about your business needs

HubSpot is a versatile business tool with lots of personalization options, thus you need to figure out what you expect from the software to make the most of what it offers. There are lots of functions that Sales Hub can help you accomplish, and you should learn what these functions are.

By pointing out your necessities and learning more about the capabilities of the software, you can create the right goals, and track them once you start using the software.

2. Get professional assistance

There are a lot of specialists who have a rich experience when it comes to HubSpot onboarding, and tweaking the software to meet your unique business needs. Teaming up with a HubSpot onboarding partner can set you up better for higher chances of success throughout the entire process.

Keep in mind that Sales hub onboarding done well increases adoption rates and makes it more likely that the software will be a success. With the right professional support, you will always have someone to help you out if you ever get stuck during the onboarding process.

3. Move contacts and complete the technical setup

If you’ve been using HubSpot CRM and are now upgrading to the Sales Hub platform, it’s likely that you already have most of your contacts in the old system. You will have to move this information to your new system and may need some assistance along the way.

If you’re onboarding with HubSpot or an onboarding partner, they will be happy to help you out. Additionally, it’s important to set up your portal correctly to increase your effectiveness when using Sales Hub. Some of the most important things to do include verifying that you have the correct tracking codes on your website, as well as linking your inbox to your new HubSpot platform.

At this step, you should also ensure that you perform the necessary integrations with any additional tools that you have been using, while also customizing properties to manage your leads.

4. Automate the sales process

A Sales Hub solution does not serve the purpose if you don’t get the automation right! By automating mundane processes, you will free your sales team so that these employees can focus on doing what they do best – selling.

Some of the tools that will come in handy in this stage include live chats, deal stages, workflows, and sequences. You may also want to connect your team calendars to the HubSpot platform so that your prospects can book meetings as soon as they want to.

5. Have post-onboarding plans

After completing the onboarding process, you should have an idea of how to make Sales Hub work for your business. Additionally, it will be easier for you to figure out what you need to do to make the most of an inbound approach so that you can sell more.

However, you also need to come up with a post-onboarding strategy, and this works best when you have an onboarding partner by your side. This is where the real sales journey begins which is why you should have a reliable onboarding partner to help you create the right templates & premade sequences, and leverage other features for the best results.

There you have it,

Sales Hub onboarding is typically a continuous process that goes better with a little support within reach. The above tips will increase your chances of getting great results but most importantly, confirm that you have the right help within reach so you won’t stuck.