Understanding SaaS billing terms

SaaS billing terms

When it comes to Software as a Service (SaaS) contracts, the billing section is one of the most critical parts of the agreement. It outlines how the customer will be billed for the services provided by the SaaS company. In this blog post, we will explore some key clauses related to billing that should be included in a SaaS contract.

Payment Terms for SaaS Contracts

This clause outlines the terms and conditions of payment, including the frequency of payment, the payment method, and the due date. It is important to specify the payment currency and the grace period allowed for late payments. This clause should also indicate whether there are any fees or penalties for late payments.

Subscription Fees

This clause outlines the subscription fees for the SaaS services provided by the company. It should include the pricing structure, any discounts, and any applicable taxes or fees. It is important to be clear on whether the subscription fees are fixed or variable, and how they may change over time.

Usage Fees

This clause outlines any additional fees that may be charged based on usage of the service, such as data storage or bandwidth usage. It should specify the pricing structure for usage fees and any limits on usage.

Termination Fees

This clause outlines any fees or penalties that may be charged if the customer terminates the contract before the end of the term. It should also specify any notice periods required for termination and the procedure for terminating the agreement.

Renewal Fees

This clause outlines any fees or penalties that may be charged for renewing the contract. It should specify the renewal term and the pricing structure for renewal fees.


This clause outlines the procedures for invoicing and billing, including the format of the invoice and the frequency of invoicing. It should also specify any requirements for invoice approval and the contact information for invoicing and billing inquiries.


This clause outlines the procedures for resolving billing disputes, including the process for initiating a dispute and the timeframe for resolution. It should also specify the jurisdiction and governing law for dispute resolution.

Price Changes

This clause outlines the procedures for changing the pricing structure, including the notice period required for any changes. It is important to be clear on whether price changes are allowed during the contract term and how often they may occur.


This clause outlines the procedures for issuing refunds, including the circumstances under which refunds may be issued and the timeframe for issuing refunds. It is important to be clear on any restrictions or limitations on refunds, such as whether refunds are only available for certain types of services or under certain circumstances.

Billing clauses in a SaaS contract are critical for outlining the terms and conditions of payment and providing transparency to the customer. By including these key clauses related to billing, SaaS companies can ensure that they are providing their customers with a clear and comprehensive understanding of their billing practices and procedures. It is important to work with legal counsel to ensure that these clauses are drafted in compliance with relevant laws and regulations, and to provide appropriate protections for both the SaaS company and its customers.

Negotiating billing terms for Software as a Service (SaaS) contracts can be an important aspect of securing a successful and beneficial agreement for both the SaaS provider and the customer. In this blog post, we will explore when and how to negotiate billing terms in SaaS contracts.

When to Negotiate Billing Terms

Negotiating billing terms can be a delicate process and should be approached strategically. It is important to consider the following factors before initiating any negotiation:

Contract Stage

Negotiating billing terms is typically done during the contract negotiation phase. However, it is important to determine the appropriate timing for initiating the negotiation. It may be beneficial to wait until other critical terms have been agreed upon before addressing billing terms.

Customer Needs

Understanding the customer’s needs and budget constraints can be critical in determining the appropriate billing terms. Negotiating billing terms may be necessary if the customer’s needs cannot be met with the existing pricing structure.

Market Competitiveness

It may be necessary to negotiate billing terms if the pricing structure is not competitive in the market. Understanding the market competition can provide leverage in the negotiation process.

How to Negotiate Billing Terms

Negotiating billing terms can be challenging, but with the right approach, it can lead to a successful outcome. Here are some tips for negotiating billing terms in SaaS contracts:

Understand the Current Pricing Structure

Before initiating any negotiation, it is important to fully understand the existing pricing structure and the costs associated with providing the service. This will provide insight into where there may be room for negotiation.

Identify Customer Needs

Understanding the customer’s needs can provide valuable information for negotiating billing terms. It is important to identify the customer’s priorities and budget constraints before initiating the negotiation.

Provide Options

Providing options can be an effective way to negotiate billing terms. Offering tiered pricing structures or flexible billing terms can provide the customer with options that can meet their needs while also benefiting the SaaS provider.

Be Transparent

It is important to be transparent throughout the negotiation process. Providing clear and concise information regarding pricing and billing terms can build trust with the customer and lead to a successful negotiation.


Negotiation often involves compromise. It is important to be willing to make concessions in order to reach a successful agreement. This may involve adjusting pricing structures or billing terms to meet the customer’s needs while also ensuring the viability of the SaaS provider.

Negotiating billing terms for SaaS contracts can be a complex process, but with the right approach, it can lead to a successful agreement for both the SaaS provider and the customer. It is important to approach negotiation strategically, understanding the appropriate timing and identifying the customer’s needs and market competitiveness. Providing options, being transparent, and being willing to compromise can lead to a successful negotiation outcome. Working with legal counsel can also provide guidance on negotiation strategies and ensure that any negotiated terms are compliant with relevant laws and regulations.

Where can I find the SaaS billing terms in the contract?

Billing terms for a Software as a Service (SaaS) contract can be included in either the Master Service Agreement (MSA) or the Statement of Work (SOW), depending on the specific details and complexity of the billing arrangement.

The MSA typically outlines the general terms and conditions of the SaaS agreement, including payment terms and conditions. This can include the payment frequency, payment method, invoicing procedures, late payment fees, and termination due to non-payment.

On the other hand, the SOW provides more specific details about the scope of services and deliverables, including any billing arrangements that may be unique to the particular project or service. For example, if the SaaS provider is charging based on usage or consumption, the SOW may provide more detailed information about the pricing structure, usage metrics, and how the usage will be measured.

In some cases, the billing terms may be complex or unique to the particular project or service, and it may be necessary to include them in both the MSA and the SOW. This can ensure that all parties involved have a clear understanding of the billing terms and that there is no confusion or disputes later on.